As more and more people communicate online, using video tools and technologies that allow them to have communication with friends, family, and colleagues around the world, they will become more advance with the new technology. As individuals become familiar with technology, there will be an increased sense of comfort in using the technology required for distance education. There will also be a growing acceptance in society as whole with technology because more and more people are communicating online and using new technology tools to converse (Siemens, 2010).
Distance education increases according to the demands of individuals wanting to take online courses. As technology continues to improve in quality, we will see the educational model around it improve as well. The realistic experiences with new tools and technology will lead to greater comfort with learners in distance education. In the future, these experiences with technology will also lead to a growing shift in distance education. Learners are not as concerned now, about the factor of distance in online education. Distance education, will enable the learners to participate in outside conversation with diverse and global groups (Siemens, 2010).
As we shift to an increased demand in distance learning, in the years to come there will be more educators who are able to prepare and equipments students with the tools necessary to be successful in distance education. As the communication in technology improves in quality, distance education will become more widespread across the globe. Distance education is beneficial to corporations because it allows the companies to interact with offices around the world. In the future there will be new communication technologies, contribution for experts around the world, and an increased usage of multimedia, games and simulations. There will also be growing shifts in universities, businesses and governments to provide and equip students for an online environment. If these entities, can bridge the gap of comfort in distance education, more learners will be driven into this arena of online learning (Siemens, 2010).
As an instructional designer I can be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning by upholding the fidelity and quality of the institution, using institutional brandings, providing information related to the university, and allowing students to have easy access to the academic integrity attributes (Gambescia, & Paolucci, (2009). I can also instill learners with a sense of comfort that an online degree will provide an environment that is as good as or even greater than the traditional classroom setting. I will make sure that learners have a well structured program that is well organized and where a great deal of attention has been placed on the planning phase. The most crucial component for learning in distance education is interaction. Therefore, I will provide various methods for students to interact will colleagues and the instructors.
According to Schmidt & Gallegos, (2001) the best practices for improving societal perceptions of distance learning includes the following factors; mediating technology, different instructional approaches to learning, course content, instructor’s learning objective for students, students rationale for enrolling in the course, the effectiveness in providing an equal or better learning results than a traditional classroom setting, and the type of methods used for delivery in distance learning. As an instructional designer, I must provide learners with the best possible distance learning education that will maximize the objective outcome of the program. I must also consider ways to close the gap of physical, personal and social interaction in order to develop a successful distance learning program (Schmidt & Gallegos, 2001).
As an instructional designer, I will be an advocate for a more positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education by designing a course management system that provides clear and explicit instructions, objectives, and standards for the course. I will ensure that the objectives match the goals that have been set for the program. I will provide a detailed syllabus that clearly defines the expectations for the course and specific guidelines for each assignment (Durrington, Berryhill, & Swafford, 2006). I will incorporate multiple methods of delivery that are unique, more exciting, meaningful, and engaging than the traditional setting. I will enhance the program by incorporating numerous forms of multimedia. I must also get to know my learning audience in order to provide them with a learning experience that will meet or exceed their needs.
In conclusion Distance education is, and will continue to have an impact on education in the years to come (Schmidt & Gallegos, 2001). As demands increase so will distance education. As a designer I must to continue to enhance and advocate for distance education, by providing a leaning experience that is as great or even better that the traditional classroom setting. I must provide and environment that is comfortable in distance education, so that more learners will be driven into this arena of online learning.
Durrington, V., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies for enhancing student interactivity
in an online environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190–193. Retrieved from http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/433631/strategies_for_enhancing_student_interactivity_in_an_online_environment/
George Siemens (2010): The future of distance learning [Motion Picture]
Gambescia, S., & Paolucci, R. (2009). Academic fidelity and integrity as attributes of university
online degree program offerings. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration,
12(1). Retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/spring121/gambescia121.html
Schmidt, E., & Gallegos, A. (2001). Distance learning: Issues and concerns of distance learners.
Journal of Industrial Technology, 17(3). Retrieved from
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