Thursday, March 17, 2011

Communicating Effectively

          Body language, tonality, timing and personality of the recipient all play a great role in communication. As I watched and listen to the communication face to face, the body language was more sincere and personal. The individual was respectful and business friendly. You could tell from her spoken words and body language that not only was she concern with her deadline, but, there was also concerns that Mark maybe experiencing difficulties preparing his portion of the project. Therefore, she was letting him know that if he could not have the project to her at a specified time, certain data from him could be used to improvise. According to Stolovitch (2010), important communication is best delivery oral.
          As I listen to the phone conversation, it sounded more sincere and more businesslike. Even though you were unable to see the body language, you could tell that she was being respectful and getting right down to business and to the point in which the call was made. You could really tell the urgency of the information that was needed.
          In the email document, the purpose for the email was written in the letter; however, it did not seem as important in the written mail. It seemed more of a joke. When I read the email, I did not take it too seriously. It did not seem like a business friendly and respectful letter. The message conveyed to me in the email was that of a playful friend making a statement to another friend.
            The way that my interpretation of the messages changed from one modality to the next was that each different style of communication became more sincere as I played them in the order they were listed. Hearing the voice and seeing the message being delivered face to face were more meaningful that reading and email. My first impression of the email was that it was a joke and I did not take it seriously. The body language and hearing the voice were the two factors that influenced my perception of the message. The phone conversation seemed to convey the true meaning and intent of the message. Conversely, the face to face conversation also conveyed the true meaning of the message but, the big smile on the end of the face to face communication sort of changed from a businesslike manner.
          The implications I have learned from this exercise for communicating effectively with members of a project team is that communication is very important. Conversely, the way in which you communication is also important Also your spirit and attitude is more important that the words you use. Tonality, body language, timing and personality of the recipient are all part of communication. Most communication should be delivered orally and important communication should be delivered orally. Unimportant communication could be delivered by phone. In written communication the purpose should be stated clearly and immediately (up front) and it should include possible solutions. The tone of all communication should be business friendly and respectful when communicating with team members on a project (Stolovitch, 2010).

 Stolovitch, H. D.  (2010). Communicating with stakeholders: [Motion Picture]
Stolovitch, H. D.  (2010). The art of effective Communication: [Motion Picture}

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