Plagiarism Detection and Prevention
With the advent of the online technologies and the exponential growth of the World Wide Web comes increased access to information. Unfortunately, this access also can create additional opportunities for cheating and plagiarism. Although plagiarism presents additional challenges and responsibilities for online instructors and trainers, applying specific design, facilitation, and assessment considerations will relieve many of these concerns
There are many kinds of plagiarism software that can be used to detect cheating as it related to plagiarism. The software that is available includes the following: Viper, Turnitin, Copyscape, Plagiarism Checker, Plagiarism, Detector Pro,, Scan My Essay (Raptor), TEchTickle, JISCiPAS, Internet Plagiarism Advisory Service, and Essay Variation Engine,
How can the design of assessments help prevent academic dishonesty?
In order to prevent academic dishonesty students need to be taught how to use web resources in their assigned work. An assessment can be provided in which students are required to read articles or listen to videos about plagiarism. These articles and videos should critique to students what to do and how to use the information so that they are not committing plagiarism. There should be examples that show students how to cite and references the work of another author. There should also be and activity designed to show students how to properly paraphrase material from others authors so that they are not just repeating the same words used by the author. According to Jocoy & DiBiase (2006), plagiarism activities can be incorporated in to the course, so that students are equipped with the information necessary to prevent abuse of plagiarism. Jocoy & DiBiase (2006), also asserted, that when students receive clear and concise instruction, participate in plagiarism activities, such as discussion, learning definitions, reviewing reports on plagiarism, and requiring students to identify in an assignment specific examples in which plagiarism has been used in the assigned work, they are less likely to commit plagiarism. Students who receive no information or instruction about plagiarism have a higher rate of committing this offense than other students Jocoy & DiBiase (2006).
What additional considerations for online teaching should be made to help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism?

There are additional steps that can be taken for online teaching that can help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism. Students should be made aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism. They need to be educated about copyright, fair use, plagiarism and cheating. They also need to be assisted in their ability to improve on paraphrasing and citing resource materials appropriately that are being used. Furthermore, they need be informed about the various resources that are available to them in the areas of need such as the institution’s library and the writing centers. These resources will have tutorials to help students learn how to paraphrase and not plagiarize information. According to Palloff & Pratt (2011) Assessments should be as authentic as possible so that students do not feel the need to cheat. As we are all aware, in the real world individuals often refer to the World Wide Web for sources of information. However, when using other authors’ work, we must make sure the authors are given credit for their material.Conclusion

What plagiarism detection software is available to online instructors?
How can the design of assessments help prevent academic dishonesty?
In order to prevent academic dishonesty students need to be taught how to use web resources in their assigned work. An assessment can be provided in which students are required to read articles or listen to videos about plagiarism. These articles and videos should critique to students what to do and how to use the information so that they are not committing plagiarism. There should be examples that show students how to cite and references the work of another author. There should also be and activity designed to show students how to properly paraphrase material from others authors so that they are not just repeating the same words used by the author. According to Jocoy & DiBiase (2006), plagiarism activities can be incorporated in to the course, so that students are equipped with the information necessary to prevent abuse of plagiarism. Jocoy & DiBiase (2006), also asserted, that when students receive clear and concise instruction, participate in plagiarism activities, such as discussion, learning definitions, reviewing reports on plagiarism, and requiring students to identify in an assignment specific examples in which plagiarism has been used in the assigned work, they are less likely to commit plagiarism. Students who receive no information or instruction about plagiarism have a higher rate of committing this offense than other students Jocoy & DiBiase (2006).
What facilitation strategies do you propose to use as a current or future online instructor?
As a future online instructor, I want to incorporate activities early in the course that share and display examples that will help students become aware of how not to be caught in the trap of plagiarism. I plan to incorporate discussion activities that motivate students to actively engage in discussions so that they can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge about plagiarism and how to prevent it. I also plan to incorporate activities that require students to paraphrase work samples so that they can become more fluent in paraphrasing the work of other authors. Additionally, I will have examples that show students how to cite the work within their witting as well as how to reference it. I want to ensure that learners correctly give the authors credit for their materials.
What additional considerations for online teaching should be made to help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism?

I have learned that the ramification of plagiarism can be very Stringent. I have also learned that as a learner, researcher or etc. when using another authors’ work, you must give him/her full credit for their material. If the information is cited incorrectly it is also considered plagiarism. Another thing that I have learned that constitute plagiarism, is using your work from a prior class. Additionally, I have learned that within your institution there are various resources that can be used to help you avoid this trauma. Furthermore, I have learned that instructors can incorporate activities and examples to assist students with plagiarism.
Jocoy, C., & DiBiase, D. (2006). Plagiarism by adult learners online: A case study in detection and remediation. International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 7(1), 1–15. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.
Palloff, M., Pratt, K (2011). Plagiarism and cheating. [ Motion Picture].
Hi Walker,
ReplyDelete“Students should be made aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism. They need to be educated about copyright, fair use, plagiarism and cheating.” I believe you are on point here with your statement of awareness. Most students I work today I don’t understand that using material that is in print is the property of the author. Therefore the author must be given acknowledgement of ownership. Many of them believe that if it is on the internet anyone has free use of it as their own. I think many of them are getting the privilege to use confused with the right of ownership even if they are aware of the two. Education is a must in this venture and I believe it will reduce the percentage greatly.